As 2018 comes to an end people start thinking about their resolutions for 2019. Your list might include joining a gym, saving money or getting that promotion at work. Here’s a list of environmental resolutions you can add to your list to help prevent climate change.
Conserve Energy
Just like your mom always told you – switch off the lights and turn off your home appliances when you leave a room. Remembering to shut off the lights or turn off your TV when you leave the room can help reduce green house gas emissions by 0.15 pounds per hour. Turn the tap water off while brushing your teeth – and put on a sweater before you reach for that thermostat.
Recycle and Reduce Waste
Recycling and watching what you throw away is a huge benefit for the environment. One ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees from being cut down and makes a huge impact on reducing our carbon footprint. Consider buying products with less packaging and bring reusable bags to the grocery store.
Cut Down on Food Waste
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about a third of the food produced worldwide never gets eaten. Throughout the world, some of that waste happens during production and distribution. But consumers and restaurants in North America throw away almost 40 percent of available food. A number of businesses are also stepping up to cut waste on the production side by selling ugly produce. Producers toss about half of all fruits and vegetables in the United States, in part because they think we won’t buy “imperfect” produce that fails to meet aesthetic standards.
Walk or Cycle
Want to offset carbon as well as holiday meals? Consider walking or cycling to destinations under a mile. Walking instead of driving not only cuts emissions but also contributes to the 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity that the Centers for Disease Control recommends adults get each week. Roughly 20 percent of car trips in the United States fall into this category, and the average car produces 411 grams of carbon dioxide per mile. That’s the equivalent weight of a football or a can of soup. Cycling is about twice as fast as walking, so if you’re biking you might want to commit to cycling distances under two miles.
Eat Your Veggies
Red meat such as beef and lamb is responsible for 10 to 40 times as many greenhouse gas emissions as common vegetables and grains. Lentils use less than 1 kilogram of carbon emission for every kilogram eaten while meat can produce more than 39.2 kilograms. For those who can’t give up meat fully, cutting back goes a long way toward helping the environment, as does choosing meat and dairy products from organic, pasture-raised, grass-fed animals.
Go Solar
The cost of solar panel installation is getting lower every year and the technology is rapidly improving. New technology and better manufacturing are making solar much more accessible for homeowners to install on their home. Made in Washington Silfab panels are available now with an industry leading warranty and the best value for your money. Book a free consultation with our solar experts.
Choose an Electric Vehicle
There are many reasons why one might consider making the switch to an EV – electric cars are higher efficiency than gas-powered cars, can reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and require less maintenance than most cars, to name three popular reasons. Don’t forget Artisan installs all types of EV chargers – give us a call at (206) 557-4215.
- MarketWatch – From solar panels to changing your diet — 11 ways you can combat climate change
- MarketWatch – Want to help the environment? Use solar power — without putting panels on your roof
- David Suzuki Foundation – Top 10 things you can do about climate change
- The New York Times – Three New Year’s Resolutions That Can Help Fight Climate Change
- Scientific American® – How Does Meat in the Diet Take an Environmental Toll?
- energysage – Electric vehicles & the environment
- Solar Power’s Environmental Benefits
Last Modified: December 27, 2018
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