A proven investment.
Solar is one of the best investments you can make to increase the value of your home, as it produces power and income until you sell! Solar may be the only home improvement project that improves the resale value of your home and pays for itself along the way.
Solar increases home value. It saves energy costs and helps the environment. Solar adds value the second it is installed and is one of the safest investments you can make for your home. A solar system is the home investment that pays itself off along the way.
Solar increases home value by 4.1% on national average.
A 2019 report from Zillow explains how. Homes with solar energy systems sold for 4.1% more on average than comparable homes without solar power. For the median-valued home, that translates to $9,274.
Why pay the utility company when you could pay yourself?
There are many reasons houses with solar-energy systems sell for more than those without. A big reason is that they can provide substantial future energy cost savings. The average home consumes a lot of power. For most people, it’s worth spending a bit more money up front for future savings. Homes with solar-energy systems are also more likely to have other efficiency features such as upgraded insulation, energy saving light fixtures, doubled-pane windows etc.
Personal preferences play a role, too. More than 80% of home buyers say energy-efficient features are important, according to the Zillow Report. A home solar system is part of an overall commitment to green-living and a sustainable energy lifestyle.
Solar adds value with tomorrow’s buyers.
Solar systems depreciate slowly over time. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory examined 70,000 homes and found that once installed, solar systems depreciate by about 9% per year. However, a solar system will never fully depreciate until it is no longer in commission. By the time it has sufficiently lowered in value, the system is paid off. At that point you are now receiving free power rather than paying the utility company. This is why solar is a key factor in the competitiveness of a home on the market.
Numerous studies show that your solar PV system pays for itself in added value to your home—as soon it’s installed.
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (January 2015): Appraisers found that home buyers are willing to pay more for homes with host-owned solar PV energy systems. Home value increase was about $4 per watt of solar PV installed.
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (2013): In the California market, every kW of solar equaled over $5,900 in added property value.
- Institute for Market Transformation (September 2015): A house with solar sold for between $17,000 and $36,500 higher than a house without.
- ICF Consulting (1998): energy-saving measures such as solar can add up to $20 of home value for every $1 of annual energy cost savings.
This research makes it clear that solar is a premium real-property investment in your home. And the bonuses are significant: it offsets energy bills/produces income through incentives, and reduces your carbon footprint.
Every Artisan proposal illustrates how each of the proposed systems increases your property value, quantifying value with depreciation over time. We calculate these values over the industry median solar module warranty period of 25 years.
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