The Solar Fairness Act (SB 5223) has just been introduced to the Washington State Legislature, providing an urgent update to net metering law. Net metering is a simple way to account for solar energy that a customer produces and uses at their home or business. It ensures that solar owners can use the power they make, earning full bill credits for their electricity.
Eighteen utility districts have already surpassed Washington’s outdated net metering threshold, which is among the lowest standards in the nation. In the absence of legislative direction, at least four utilities have already undermined net metering despite strong demand for it from their customers. Updating Washington’s net metering law to 4% is simple and straight-forward, and protects the rights of current and future solar owners, at no cost to the State budget.
Urge your legislators to support SB5223, the Solar Fairness Act, and keep Washington #SolarStrong
More more information visit: Solar Strong Washington
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