Tesla Motors

Electric Vehicle Car Charging Stations

Artisan Electric is proud to be a preferred installer of Tesla Electric Vehicle Car Charging Stations. If you have purchased a new Tesla EV, then let Artisan Electric install a Wall Connector charging unit using a dedicated circuit convenient to where you will park your vehicle.

We recommend the Wall Connector as the most convenient home charging equipment for Tesla vehicles. Available with either a 8.5′ cable or 24′ cable, this hardware can be purchased from a local Tesla service center or ordered from Artisan Electric.


Permanently mounted to a wall or post, the Wall Connector can be installed both indoors and outdoors. A defining feature is the ability to be installed with any circuit breaker ranging from 15 to 100 amps, which allows the Wall Connector to be custom fit to almost any electrical system.

We recommend installing the Wall Connector with a power output to match the on-board charger of the vehicle, typically a 40, 60 or 90 amp circuit breaker.

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