At Artisan Electric Inc. we believe in building a strong solar community – that why from March to August 2020, Artisan Electric Inc. donated 25,500 meals to Food Lifeline to help those families and individuals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Food Lifeline is known as “the Food Bank’s Food Bank” distributing food to over 300 local food banks, shelters and agencies. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more people in Washington state are going hungry than ever before. Pre-COVID 1/10 individuals did not always know where their next meal was coming from – that number has now increased to 1/5. Many of Food Lifeline’s regular donation sources are no longer available as restaurants are closed, corporate cafeterias are closed as employees are working from home, and grocery stores are experiencing supply chain shortages on staple food items. Food Lifeline normally spends about $1M per year purchasing food – this year they have spent ten times their yearly budget – $10M on food since March 2020. In addition to these challenges, many of their volunteers are no longer available to help with packing due to the pandemic.
Food Lifeline needs donations right now more than ever – that why from March to August 2020, Artisan Electric Inc. decided to donate $150 to Food Lifeline for every new residential solar system purchased. We have now raised a total of 25,500 meals for Food Lifeline. In this video Artisan Electric Vice-President Evan Leonard and Food Lifeline Corporate Relations Officer Leeann Huntington discuss the impact of this donation on the organization and the need for continued support.
Thank you for your support and please visit our GoFundMe page if you wish to contribute, or contact Food Lifeline to volunteer.
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