Carpet Bagger Alert!
The Alliance for Solar Choice (TASC) consists of “Big Solar” leasing companies such as SunRun and SolarCity who intend to gut the Washington Market with over priced leasing schemes that funnels money away from Washington Homeowners, manufacturers, and installers pockets! TASC has created a deceptive ad campaign titled “SAVE NET METERING AND A THRIVING ROOFTOP SOLAR INDUSTRY IN WASHINGTON!” Do not be fooled by this campaign, They do not want to save the solar industry in Washington!
“Big Solar” wants to set up shop here and destroy the local industry. Solar in Washington is already thriving, and the local industry is leading the way. We grew by over 30% las year as an industry, and Artisan grew as a company by 35% last year. Now with historic low prices, great local financing readily available, great incentives, and expanding opportunities for well-paid jobs, what’s not to like? Please support the local solar economy. Keep Washington solar incentives in Washington State and for Washington voters.
We urge you NOT to sign TASC’s petition! Instead, urge your State representatives to oppose their moves in Olympia.
Give Artisan a call with more details, we’re here for you!
Unionized Solar Installers for Tesla Powerwall+ and Silfab Solar

If you’re interested in solar power and battery backup systems for your home, you’re looking for a trusted, dependable installer.…