SunPower Solar PV System – 11.772 kW in Seattle
The Conover’s installed 36 SunPower 327 Watt E-Series solar panels at their home in Seattle, Wash. The solar array was split into subarrays to fit on the smaller planes available at different areas of the roof. Each 327 Watt panel is equipped with a microinverter that allows each panel to work independently of the others and also converts the panel’s DC power into AC power, which is used throughout the home and Puget Sound electric utility grid.
This system will produce almost as much power as the Conover’s consume over the course of a whole year. SunPower solar panels are known for their efficiency, output and warranty. Also note the EV car charging station that was installed in the garage, ensuring their cars run on sunshine as well.
This 11.77 kW solar PV system was constructed by Artisan Electric Inc in 2017, using 36 SPR-E20-327-C-AC modules with built-in microinverters.
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